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K <br />The food and beiveirag,el program includes two rout ine inspec- <br />tions annually of all restaurants and other food operat3-ons, <br />plan, revi iew of food and, beveriiage f acI.11ties, and handl 'Ing <br />complaints conceirning, food and beverage establioshmentsill, This <br />service isi the same as Roseville's, current program except for <br />the following., <br />Roseville provides educational sessions for all restaurant <br />employees, desiring to attend. Walt averages about fifteen <br />training sessill-onsil per year at a cost of $1,50109 <br />2i RoseviJiLe " si food and beverage ordinance conta 'ins a requireiiiiiiiiiiiii <br />men,t that "all food service, establishments shall have in its <br />employment, at all times at least one owner or manager <br />certified, as havil n,g successfully completed a quality <br />assurance program for thiel prevention of foodborne 'Illness <br />transmi'l ss i loin in food service,.1111 <br />The City Attorney indicates that because the City would not <br />di 9 <br />be issuingi reistilauriant licenses it would be dif f icult t# <br />0 <br />enforce a, manager, certification requirement as a part of thaw <br />Aloseville Code . <br />There are about, t,hriee or f our, other Minnesota cities with <br />IN <br />thims, requirement., <br />Biecau,se the County has the ability to require a manager t# <br />a <br />attend traluning if the need arises, Roseviulle's interests <br />should, be proltectied. <br />Ramsey county inspectis all indoor swimming pools monthly,, and <br />outdoor pools semi-month,ly during the operating season. The <br />County also provildes traluning for pool operators. Roseville <br />currently hasil trag sessions for pool operators, and inspect Z-3. <br />M <br />indoor plools twice annually and outdoor pools once during the <br />operating seasion. <br />Ram,seyi County inspecits lodging facilities two times per yearf <br />which would include group homesill, Roseville's current program 14- <br />one inspection pier yea,ri. <br />I.M Ramsey County responds tio complaints of a health or envi-ron- <br />mental nature which J'_,s the same as the current Roseville program. <br />