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EiLther party may, cancel this Agreement at any time upon <br />,a <br />thi,rty (30) day's written n,otic,e to the other party,, In the <br />0 <br />evient, of tell riminat ion the Ci,ty shall be entitled to <br />rile i,mblu rsement f'o r thosel expenses incurred up to the <br />I <br />tierminati,ion, d,a,tei provided the expenses have been incurred <br />laccording, tio tihiel buidget, shown, in Attachment A. <br />Any, of the following shall. constitute default on the part of <br />11 <br />61 <br />the City�, <br />Is <br />R. The, failurie of' the City to use funds in a, manner consistent <br />with this contract and Attachment A. <br />bi. The fa,ilure of the Ci,ty or their (s,ub) contractor (s) to us <br />thel"ir best efforts to ensure the maximum collection an <br />0 <br />delivery of materials from the arelia served to the Recyclin <br />Centel <br />c. The faiLlure of the Ci,ty to provide information satisfactory <br />W <br />to the County as required in l,,,, above,,, <br />a, All, services and duties performed, by the City pursuant t <br />this Agireelmeint shall, be perflormed to, the satisfaction of th <br />Colu,nty and in accordance wi'th all applicable federalf state, <br />Ii <br />and, local laws, ordinances, rulesi and regulations as <br />4i <br />cond,itilion. of payment, City agrees to comply with Minn <br />Stats., 181,.591, relating to nondisc r imi,na,t ion. I <br />d"A All, datia coll,ected,, c r e,a,t ied, received, maintained or <br />0 <br />disseminated flor any purpose, in the, course of the of this <br />0 <br />Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Governmental Data <br />i� <br />