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<br />a
<br />Regular meeting olf the City Council - April 27 1987 7*630 PoM*
<br />The City Coluncill, met on the above date with the following ROLL CALL
<br />41
<br />members present,. K,eh,r, Natsion, Cushman,, johnson,, and
<br />I
<br />Wi s k i I Members absent.- Vove,
<br />Cushman molveld, Johnisonseconded, thiat the minutes of the MINUTES
<br />regular meeting of April, 13, 1987, ble approved w1th the
<br />W
<br />following amendment,,,, Agendia Item E-20 should read.
<br />VVKehr miovedi Cushman seilconded, that the Roseville Youth
<br />Football Assiociation's request. for a Class "All gambling
<br />license at 2_540 N. Cleveland Avenue be approved. Roll
<br />,Call, Ayes,* Kehr, Cushman,, and Johnson. Nays.s None.
<br />Abstain.*, Matson, because he is associated with the
<br />PWseiville Youth, Football Association.."
<br />0
<br />Roll, Cialli Ayes,: K,eh,r,, Matson,, Cushman,, and Johnson. Nays.
<br />None,,, Abstain: Wiski, 'blecause he was absient.
<br />C-1 K,ehr moved,,'Matson sleconded, that, the regularly COUNCIL
<br />schedule'd Council meeting for May 25,' 1987, be MEETING
<br />4
<br />canceled because of' the Memorial Day Holiday. CANCELLATION
<br />Roll Call,,, Ayes,: Kehr, Matson, Cushman, johnson,
<br />0
<br />Tnd I i one.
<br />E-3 Cuishm,an moved, johnison seconded,, that Carl G,. CARL G.
<br />Peterson's, request for minor variance at 1843 Chats- PETERSO
<br />worth be approved. Roll Call,, Ayes: Kehr, Matson,
<br />Cushman, Johnson, and Wi skil Rays.* None.
<br />Ell - 4 Keh,r mioved,, Matson seconded,, that Charles H,, CHARLES
<br />I
<br />Maimwurmls request for minor variance • 1766 Alta MAIWUR,M
<br />Vista Drive-be approved, Roll, Call, Ayes.- Kehr,
<br />Matson, Cushman, Johnson., and'WiLskl. Nays. None.
<br />