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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 5/11/87 <br />0 <br />ITEM NO IR F, <br />a <br />Wepartmient. Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section., <br />Reports and Recommendations <br />9 <br />itemDescription: Roseville State Bank request to sponsor fireworks <br />display "in Central, Park. <br />I & <br />Attached is a letter from the Roseviolle State Bank requestiong permission <br />to sponsor a fireworks display in Central Park on May 25,r 1987,, as part <br />of their Twenty�fifth Anniversary celebration. The fireworks would be <br />heill,d in the same area that, the Cit,y,uses for the july 4 festival. The <br />Bank has-riequested, May 311 as an alternative date., "in case of rain. <br />The request has been reviewed and iapprioveld by the Fire Marshal, with <br />the condition that the display company provide an insurance certificate <br />and bond before the display is held., <br />Motion approving/denying Roseville State Bank's request to conduct <br />fireworks display "in Central Park on, May 25 or,, in case of rain, on <br />0 <br />May 31, 1987, with the condition that the required 'insurance certifi- <br />cate andbond be providedby the display company prior to the date of <br />display. _7 <br />