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246O CIVIC CENTE.2 DRAVE E L E P14 f") 'Y E - i 3 4 -.3 '01 7 Z rdoevi KL� -,11 N N E 15 9 "' -4k 51 J' <br />t <br />Mar,i,e 0 1 Br ien Slawik <br />1850 University Avenue <br />Paul MN 551,04 <br />At 'its Work, Siess "Ion on April 21 the Council discussed your <br />letter requesting permission, to dediocate the Central Park Band <br />stand in honor of' Frank Rog. I <br />a <br />The -City Council, although not unanimously, preferred to support <br />a, policy which, recognizes Individual contributions to the <br />communi ithout naming spelcif ic parks or facilities after <br />A <br />indiv iduals. <br />Futurie policy implicat, ons wilere the basis of the pref erence, and <br />9 <br />not the particular person beinig considered. The concern was to <br />avo,id unnecessary debate over which f acility or which person should <br />be consideried. <br />The Council appreclates the intention of the Central Park Founda- <br />t III <br />ion Board JL'n, considering such an, honor for Frank Rog. <br />Thank you f or yiour letter and 'Interest in recognizing Franki <br />Sa".ncierely,, <br />a,m,es F, Andre <br />City Manager <br />40 <br />Uc*i CitY Council <br />