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Fine Associates request for rezoning, Special Use Permit, and <br />variance at 2,6165 and 2710 Snelling Frontage Road, (Fine j-s <br />A <br />proposing the development of a reltiadil, office, and suite complex.) <br />Allan and JoA,nn Mattson request, for division of lot at 233 <br />Roiseliawn Avenue. (The mattson's arei, creating a new lot.) I <br />3 John C Ericson request for sign, <br />anc <br />varie <br />91 9 1 IN at 1233 Wo Larpenteur,., <br />(Ericson is removing a nonconforming roof sign, and 'Installing a <br />firee standing sign.) <br />Bonelistroo/Rosieniel requiest for Special Use Permit and rezoning at <br />2,3315 - 23169 u,lhiam. (The company is proposing construction of an <br />addition thatwill utilize the existing site, plus the homes to <br />the north,, ) <br />5.1 Approval of City Tax Increment District No,. 9,, (The City is <br />A <br />propoising a new district to facilitate the Fine, Bonestroo, and <br />NWML developments, In, addition,, f I uture sites on C are included.) <br />A <br />6v City vacation of,poiritions of public streets and easements, (The <br />a 101 <br />Cli ty is vacating areas which will facilitate Woodbridge develop- <br />ment.) <br />Motion, a,pprolv a denying referral of the above Items 1 through 6 to the <br />J'ulyi,,l,,, 1,91871, Planning Commission Meeting. and establishing a Council <br />Public Hearing for, the J'ul,y 13,, 1987, City Council meeting,,. <br />