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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: <br />ITEM NO, <br />0 1 11 <br />Department Approval.1 Manager Reviewed: <br />P M ro <br />Reports and Recommendationa <br />Al 11 <br />Item Desicrip'tion-I., InJotiation. of Emineint Domain proceedings regarding tha-, <br />purchase of two, vacant Parcels of property for the <br />Langton Lake Park, <br />In, f ollowing through, on, a, grant f or the acquisit loon of three parcels <br />to be addeid to, Langtion Lake Park,, the purchase of one parcel has been <br />completed, but, staf'f has been unable to reach agreement on the purchase <br />0 a <br />of the remaining, two parcels. <br />The reim,ain,ing two parcels are both landlocked and vacante They are <br />also undej: the siame ownership. Staff has met with the property owners, <br />and has made offeirs on both properties. The property owners have not <br />been willing to try to work toward an, agreement on an acceptable purchase <br />a <br />price <br />I <br />It appears that the only way to move the process along 'is to initiate <br />eminent domia" <br />pr It is still hoped that an acceptable <br />in ioceedings <br />pricei, can be agrielield upon, through negotiation, <br />X 6 141 � . A, - - <br />ft <br />Moti,on, apprioving the Initiation of' eminent domain Proceedings regarding <br />the landlocked parcels', at 2984 and 29,96, Cleveland Avenue.- <br />