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TREMST FO�R COUNCZ, 29=,M, m E:: 6/W <br />NEC 30" <br />ft <br />Deplairtmeint Approval Manager Revl*- <br />At%jMV,W- SWAP <br />1095A <br />Etem Descriptions Petition for, reconstructiom aE R1 <br />Lexingtoing Project P-87-08 <br />R =gv, I. " .-* t,"- 1.2 7 R7 471114; �l F 1; 9 1 Cal <br />The residents on, Hyan Avenue between, Liexii,nigton ft, aimw anAj R <br />rnwond( &MOM. <br />1-ave <br />petitioned, the city to reconstruct their residicmUMD. roadlfwy/., <br />was signed biY 74% of thel involved Property ownerm-lill., <br />The December 19816 street evaluation for this rwdWae fadWaxL+ao tffxt; :at 13 a <br />fill Problem" street. It is noiti known at this timv iwhe�Ovo-, hmjm wdIlUT, -d-XA me Cof the <br />selected nei ghborholods for, 19188. It would seem, rwt <br />-aU--vft t&e <br />petitift and, order a feasibiLlity stud,ya, Once t&& IN,- M, arnmS art-W mat@mc- ltetx the <br />f inal decision can be made as to whether this &aUlTdO 4W, 21mmep, anstedl, JMINM tbe <br />work for the next, year's construction. <br />17, <br />Adopt 'Ion of a riesiolution, declaring the adequacy -all z gatia-2=1 <br />P i 1 1 <br />-817'-08' and ordering the preparation of a fea,s aftlut-TOU <br />