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D2UI"U-SI;` All <br />AM %W P <br />To, edu�c,a,te 75 to, 100 local' professionals (see rationale statement for list <br />I <br />to undeirstand tih�e shame-biased, family syist,em and its effect, on yo,uthi and <br />families. <br />M V, <br />To edu�cate 75 to 100 local' professionals in the relatinsihip between sh�ame <br />and delinquency, <br />kv <br />To prov4de an oppori+unity for 75 to 100 local professionals to learn sitateof <br />W <br />t,he",art interviewing techniques for working with sha,me-based delinquents and <br />families. <br />To provide, 7'5 to, 100 local professionals with an opportunity to interact <br />0 <br />wi4t.-h other Professionals working with the sam%e Popullatlon, <br />To provide 75, to 100 local pirofes,sioinals with t,he Opportunity for perision�al <br />growth throu,gh small group d- di <br />patterns. Iscussions about personal shamin�g behaviors and <br />W <br />Marilyn Mason, Liceinsed Consulting Psychologist, is, best k,nown for her experl. <br />tise in developing therapeutic prolgra,ms designed to promote, personal growith <br />and sel�fl-esteem through extremely, challenging, phys"ca,l experiences. Examples <br />9 S <br />are rock climbing trips and survival triain�i i ng for holuselw* <br />ivies$ busin�e,ss mein <br />`ty yolu�t-h unaccustomed to tihe rigors. of' s,uch an experience,,, <br />and ci <br />