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00' KAVO OIL <br />MY 1221 East Main Street Chattanooga, TN 37408• <br />(615)753 <br />June 15.., 1918 7 <br />City of' Roseville <br />,Attn: Mayor & City Council <br />26601 Civic Cent,ier Dr, <br />Roseville, MN 55113, <br />RE: Kayo Oil Company <br />1,58,31 County Rd. C - Roseville,, MN <br />At the June 8, 1987 City Council Meeting, the, issued was rallsed concerning <br />Kayo OVL Company giving up one of its aicicesses to County Rd. C, if given <br />i <br />access to the access, road to the west, of the store., The Special Use Permit <br />,and variance were tabled at, that time so, that the issue could be pursued. <br />Since the June,, 8. 19�,87 Cility Council, Meeting,,, we have heard discussed the issue <br />of two, accesses on County Rd. C wiith the Ramsey county traffic engineers and <br />the Roseville engineers,. B,olth, said, they see no problem with Kayo having two <br />accesses and therefore, have no objection to the two accesses remaining, <br />Regardless of whether or not Kayol 'has access, to the access road, we feel that <br />siuirirendiering one of the, accesses on County Rd, C would adversely impact the <br />operation of' our, business., Therefore, we would not be willing to give up an <br />access to, County, Rd. C for, access to, the access road'o However,, if we could <br />arrange with Marie Silawik to have, access to the access road, the traffic <br />situation would, only be improved. <br />e will be prepared to discuss the issue, at the june 22, 1987 City Council <br />Meeting . <br />Reapectf ully . <br />Phillip Bearld <br />W <br />Project Engineer <br />Attacb men <br />t <br />cc,: Jim Fuqua <br />4/bib <br />