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LOU I <br />Regular meeici'Lng of the,i City Council ami June 8,, 1987 ill <br />The City, Council met on the above date wiLth, the f ollowing ROLL CALL <br />members presente., Cu,shman,,, Matson, Kiehr, Johnson,, and <br />I a <br />Wiski. Members absentio None, <br />Wiski moved, Cushman seconded,, that Resolution 8143,, com- RESOLUTIO4 <br />1i <br />u-tend3Ling F'riank R,og, for hills twenty-seven years of service as 8143 <br />Director of' Parks and Recreation,, be adopted. Roll Call,, <br />Ayes: Cushman,, Matson,, Kehr, Johnson, and Wiski. Nays. <br />None <br />Matson, moved, Kehr seconded, that the minutes of the MINUTE6 <br />regular meet,ing of May 11, 1987., be amended under Item <br />R-1,0 • I I <br />Condit"lons 1, 2,1 and 3, as follows': <br />'11., That alciciesis to the active field games recreation area <br />be, oriented, to Cleveland Avenue with a priority given <br />to interilom, ialcicess pursued through thle former Roberts <br />priol,perty, and main parking provideld to the west, <br />2. That programmedrecrileation at the ball fields be <br />l I <br />imited to non-adult activities until Cleveland access <br />11 <br />is established, and thereaf ter a, pir imoril ty be given f or <br />i <br />youth act,livities at, the ball f ield,s <br />That Arthur, Strei,et serve as accesis. to a trailhead <br />1i <br />parking area. The parking area should be reduced in <br />0 <br />silze, and moved north as much as plossibile, and <br />coordinated with Presbyterian Homes mo explore possible <br />joint use or land exchange." <br />I <br />Rolil Call, Ayies: Cu,shm,an,, Matson,, Kehr,, Johnson,, and <br />Will'ski'l., Naysig None,. <br />K,eh,r moved,, Cushman secondeld, that the minutes, of the <br />,regiular meeilting of May 111, 11987, be approved as amended. <br />R,oll Call, 4 Ayes: Cushman, Matson, Kehr, Johnson, and Wiski" <br />Nays: None. <br />K,ehri moved, Johnson seconded-, that the minutes of the <br />Special Meeting held May 1,2,, 1987, be, approved,, Roll Call, <br />Ayes.: Cushman, Matsonl Keh,ri Johnson., and Wiski. Nays: None. <br />