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c The Lessee agrees tihat the premises will be used only for the purposes <br />"fied i'n Section 1 of this lease agreem�en�t. <br />specl <br />d. The Le ssee siha,ll' not keep�, permit or allow any nonprescribed drugs nor <br />any, liquors or beverages of' any intoxicating nature or tend�ency to be <br />siold�, kept or tolerated on the leased premisels, <br />e. If the city of Rosevillei riefus,es to peir�mit tih�e use herein contemplated,, <br />this, lease sha,ll automia,tica,llly terminate as, of the ef'felctive date of such <br />refusal, Lessor shall re,fu�nd to Lessiee any p�repaid rent unearned as of <br />the, day, Lessee vacates the premises and Lessee shall have no furtheir <br />obligation as to additional rental" payments, not yet ac,cruelld. <br />9. RENEWAL OPTIONS - Lessee sha,ll have three siuccessivel renewa,l optiloons of <br />one, year each upon the same, terms and conditiioln,s as provided heriein, excelpt <br />that there shall be, no f'u�rth�er renewal option after the exerciise of the <br />third of' said optiffions,,, and there s,hall' be no th�ird or seicilond renewal option <br />unless the first renewal option, shall have, been exericisied. <br />10a DESTRUCTION O�F LEASEHOLD - In case the Parkview Center building shall be <br />desitroyed or damaged by a cause so as to c,a,uise sai'd premises to become <br />untenabl�e and unfit for occupancy for the purposes herelinbelfore specified, <br />then the liability of the Lelsisee for the rent of said premises, thereinafter, <br />and all right to possession thereof s,h,all at once ceasel. The, L,esisele a,nd <br />Lesisoir waive rights of fire s,ub g�atiion. <br />I I INSURANCE - The,, Lessor agrees to insure its piriopertyl,, equipment and slupplies <br />foracasualty and Ila, abli'li'ty, coverage. The Lesisor agrees, to insure its property, <br />equipment, equipment, supplies, emiipl'oyees, and invitees for casualty and <br />liabillity coveragel.1 The Lessior and Lessieel agree,, to provide eac,h other with a <br />Certificate of Insurance. <br />12.1 ASSIGNMENT OF SUBLETTING - The Lessee's i'n,teirest hereunder shall not be <br />assigned nor the, leasehold su�blet, without the wriitten consent t,hereto o <br />a a <br />the Lessor first hand and obtaine,d�, which consent Lesiscir may' grant or <br />a 0 <br />withhold in i'ts sole discretion. <br />13�. SlUCCESSO�RS AND ASSIGNS MR, Except as, pro,ved in Section 12 hereof, th I s lea,s <br />shall insure to the benefit of and be binding upon the resplectiive su�ccessoril. <br />and assigns of the partl I els, hereto, <br />