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ZI(EQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 1/13/86 <br />ITEM NO.: (2"& <br />0i <br />Department Approval. Manager Rev i4ewed: Agenda Section: <br />Organizational Business <br />Ftem Description: Council Work Sessions,-- <br />I III <br />Tihere i i ,s a need to meet in Council Work Session 'in the near <br />future to discuisis several 'items, one, item of importance 'is to <br />41 <br />further develop policies relating to, economic development, Other <br />h <br />items may relate to Publilic Works and Public Safety, it is <br />suggested a Work Session, be scheduled, during the week of Feburary <br />31. 19869 0. <br />The, Planning Commission has also requested a meeting with the <br />Council to, diiscusis tax increment, financing, and redevelopment <br />policies in general., They prefer to meet on either a Wednesday <br />4 <br />evening or Saturday morning, <br />There are, two o 4 1 .1 <br />ptions� in, scheduling the above meetings. The <br />f irst is to meet, in Council Work Session at (for example) 5.a00 <br />p.m., and discusis economic dievelolpmeint, policies and other items a <br />tie,emed appropriate, and, meet with the Planning Commission at 7:019 <br />p.m., or 7.*30 Food would be, catered to be served someti'me <br />between, 51,:100 and 17,-.00 pi.-m.., I <br />,a <br />The other, option is to schedule the Council work on separate <br />iates. If th,ley are to be scheduled separately, possible meetin's <br />Ilk <br />IIIIIIIIIIII0 <br />times would be, someitime in, later February or early March <br />ro,ossibly, at a, Planning Commisioln recrular meetiong. <br />Motion to lestablish a Council Work Session at pm. on <br />February--., 19816F to discuss economic <br />I -L- - <br />development policies and any other 'items deemed appropriaT.-e. <br />Motion to eistablish a Council Work Sessi'lon <br />& 4 <br />Commission at (P.m./a.m.) on <br />(Fiebruary/March) 1986, to discuss <br />with the Planning <br />I If <br />development policies, <br />