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12/9/2011 2:35:59 PM
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12/9/2011 2:33:21 PM
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Calesi a*n Residence <br />p9ige 2 <br />three garage stall,s attached, to the residen,ce. The par g court is set back, 40 feet from <br />0 <br />the front lot line and is screened by 4 foot tall brick screen valls and, vegetation. The <br />pergola over the garage entries is set back 88 feet from the from the front lot line. <br />On, the vest side of the lot., the pergolla wraps around the house abutting the 10 fooit side <br />lot setback fine,. Thlis side of the house is heavIly screened by, existing vegetation, on the <br />neighbor's property. Thi 61 s vill be supplemented, by additional vegetative screening of <br />various he, 10ghts ran g "'in g from 4 feet, to 12 feet 40 <br />On the east simft,, a brick and concrete stair, will be, co�nstru cued to provide an outside access <br />from the par g court to the walkout level. T'he�re walls are required for the stairs, <br />they havie been held, black 1,0 feet, or, more from the side lot line. This feature vill, he <br />heavidy screened with an, evergreen hedge. <br />V <br />Statuary. The gardens arou�nd the house. mcluding those "in the lakeshore rap via <br />11 0 a <br />display the ovner S collection of original,,, fine an su"ary. The sUtuary i0s generally <br />Classicalipa Styleo, <br />"I <br />Gradmg and dnu"nage. Existing drainage swales generally follow the east and vest <br />property, lines to the like. The flov lines ofthese swales will be mal"nitained at their <br />existing elevations., The paved and vegetated surfaces of the site will be sloped to, drain to <br />these males. The roof &ainage Vill also be directed to the side swales. The pool and limn <br />arem on, the north side wifl be sheet drained, to the lake! .I <br />During. construction. exposed earth rem will be graded to Gov eroded soil, to settle out <br />from runoff' vaers. A Molt fence will be constructed and w Mat <br />ntained, throughout, the <br />W <br />construction, period,, to intercept and remove transported soil particles from the runoff <br />water coming oiff'ex,posed solil aeas. Grading and site construction will be prosecuted min a <br />10 41 a Is <br />timely manner to mijam=e the length of time soil, surfaces are explosed to runoff waters. <br />Va gee tatioa reneval. The existing grass surfaces will he removed as needed to pert <br />the placement of the building, paved surfaces,,, and propiosed p g L"adicawd on the <br />Continued next page. <br />
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