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<br />1. The City has heretofore instituted and ordered the <br />construction of the following improvements: p-86-20i p-86-21i <br />P-86-22i P-86-23i P-86-27i P-ST-86-28; P-86-29; P-86-31i P-86-32; <br />p-86-33i p-sT-86-35i P-86-36; P-86-37; P-86-38i P-86-39; <br />P-ST-86-40; P-86-41 and p-86-47, pursuant to and in accordance <br />with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The pro- <br />ceedings for each of said improvements were instituted in 1986. <br />The proceedings for each of said improvements having been effec- <br />tively instituted at substantially the same dates, and the <br />construction of each such improvement having now been ordered, it <br />is hereby determined that the said improvements, although separa- <br />tely instituted, can be more economically completed if combined <br />and joined as one project for the purpose of further proceedings. <br />Pursuant to the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes, <br />Section 435.56, the future proceedings for these separate impro- <br />verne, 3 are hereby combined, and henceforth all proceedings shall <br />be conducted in all respects as if the separate proceedings had <br />originally been instituted as one proceeding. The improvements <br />specified are designated as Consolidated Improvements of 1987, <br />Projects P-86-20; P-86-21i P-86-22; P-86-23; P-86-27; P-ST-86-28; <br />P-86-29i P-86-31; P-86-32; P-86-33; P-ST-86-35; P-86-36; P-86-37i <br />P-86-38; P-86-39i P-ST-86-40i P-86-41 and p-86-47. <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was <br /> <br />duly seconded by Councilmember Cushman and upon roll call vote <br /> <br />being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: All <br /> <br />presenti and the following voted against the same: None; <br /> <br />whereupon said resolution was declared dUly passed and adopted. <br /> <br />-2- <br />