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6 A <br />Me R = <br />Rim 13 =010 <br />1.7 <br />Cliie�nit wiill immediateiv transmit to TCT anv new information <br />which becomes a%aillable to it or its subcontractors, so that <br />recommendled actions can he reviewNed. <br />1.3 Client %vil] pro ide a representative to answer questions about <br />the project when required by TC'T upon 24 hours notice,. <br />1.4 TCT will not be liablle for anv incorrect advice. jud8ment, or <br />decision based on anv inaccurate) iniformation furnished by <br />Client. and Cl i el nt will) i nd em n iiv TCT against I i a b i I it y a, ii ng out <br />of or contributed to law- such Information, <br />SECTION 2: SAMPLES <br />TCT will retain representative samples for 30 days after submisi- <br />s,ion of TCT report. Upon request by Client. 5amiplels can be, <br />shipped charges colllect. to destination selected by Chent: or <br />TC'T can store, there for an agreed storage charge. <br />SECTION 3: FEE PAYMENT <br />3.1 TCT will submit involices, to c,liienit monthil•. and a final iinw °oice <br />upon completion of ser0cels. lnw -oices swill shows, charges <br />ba�led on current TCT Fee, Schedule or other agreed upon basilc%. <br />A detailed separation of charges and backup dlaita vvill be pro- <br />ided at Client's request. <br />3.211 The Client will pav the halaince stated on the invoice unles-C, <br />Client notifiec. TC'T in writing of the particular item that Is al- <br />leged to by Incorrect w-► it hin, fifteen 413, dav-5 frnmi the ins nice <br />date. <br />3. Raivment I%. due opon receipt of inkoice, and is Past due ten <br />(110) dill from in% oiic e date. Or. past due accounts Client will) <br />pav inleresi at 1. i- Ir i per month, or the maxim um allowed by <br />la%v. In the event of iii1gation, Client %vilill pav T'CT interest on <br />all past dune tea lainoes. <br />3. In the event Client fails tai i pav TCT %%Ahin sixtv 16,01, dav�s follow- <br />ing inxiolice date TCT ma% consider the deliaiult a total breach <br />of this, agrele�ment and all duties of TCT undleir this agreement <br />terminated. <br />SECTION 4.- OWNERSHIP OF'DOCUMiE'NT'S <br />4.1 All documents prepared by TCT ais instruments lot services will <br />remain the property of TCT, <br />4.2 Client agrees that ai111 reports and other work furnished to the <br />Cllient or his agents which are not paid for', will be returned <br />upon demand and will not be used by the Client for aniy <br />purpose. <br />4.3 T'CT will retain all pertinent records concerning, services per- <br />formed for a period of t\,%,o (2) years after the report is sent: duiring, <br />that tirne. the recoirdls ",411 be made available to the Cllient dur- <br />ing, TC'T's normal business hours. <br />Client will pay all reasonable litigation expenses or collection, <br />expenses Inc lludinig attorney fees that TCT incurs in c,olllecting <br />any delinquent amount Client owes under thiis Agreement. <br />SECTION 7:11 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY <br />7.1 TCT's liabilitlyto the Client and all contractors and ..ubcoinitrac- <br />toirs, on the protect. for darnages due to professional negligence, <br />negligence or breach of any other cibiligattion to Client or others, <br />will be (limited to an, amount not to exceed 550.000 or the TCT <br />fee, whichever is greater. In, the event Client d'oels, not wish to <br />limit TCT's liability, TCT will waive thiis limitation on written <br />notice, from the Client received within 10 days after this agree- <br />menit is fully executed or before the wolr,k is commenced- <br />whichever is earlier, and Client %,%,ill pay, additional considera- <br />liion equal to 10% of the total fee as a charge, for a Walver of <br />Limitation on Liability, This charge is not a charge for, insurance <br />but is an increase in con s,idler,a,t -ion, for the greater risk, Inx ol% ed <br />where work is performed with no, llimiitaition ofliabillay. <br />7.2 Client will notify any, contractor or Subcontractor who perior <br />work in connection with any work done biv TCT of the limita, <br />tion of liability for design defects, errors., omissions or profes- <br />sional negligence. and to require as a condition precedent to <br />their performing their wv vork. a like indern nitv and It m itati'lo n of <br />I ia, b i I itv ,on t h le i r pai rt a, s against TCT. In t hie event the C I tent fail., <br />to obtain a like limitation and indemnity. Client agree!- to in- <br />demil TCT for anv liability to aniv third partv. <br />SECTION8: INSURANCE <br />8.1 TCT \Ai,iill carry workers, cormpiensat,ion insurance, ands Public <br />habill1tv and property damage insurance policies, wA,,hiich T'C'T con- <br />siders adequate. Certificates of insurance will be provided to <br />client upon request, Within the limits and conditions of the in- <br />siuirancel, TCT agrees to indemnify Client against any loss. TCT <br />will not be resiponsibl'e for liability beyond the llimits and con- <br />ditions of' the insurance. TCT will not be resipoinsible for an\ <br />loss, or I iabill ity, arising from negligence by client or by other con- <br />sultants, employed by client. <br />SECTION 9: TERMINATION <br />9.1 This Agreement mav be terminated by either part\, upon sew en <br />(7) days written notice, if there is substantial failure by the other <br />party to performs. Termination will not be effective if'substan- <br />I ia, I fa i lu re is remed ied before expiration of the seven days. Upon <br />termination, TCT wiilll be plaid for services, plus reasonable ter,- <br />ruination expenses. <br />9.2 If the contract is terminated prior to completion olf atl reports <br />cont�em plated by this Agreement,, or suspended for more than, <br />three month5, TCT may complete ain�alvises and records as are <br />necessary to complete its files and mav also complete a repo�'- <br />on the services performed. Termination or su�spension expenseS, <br />will linclude direct costs of completing analyses. record� and <br />reports. <br />SECTIONI 10: ASSIGNS <br />101.1 Nleit'her party may assign duties or interest in this Agreement <br />without t1lip vvrittill (-Ople'llinni ni the otner nartv. <br />