q 1111:1 in
<br />OIL
<br />M Erickson
<br />Page Two .48
<br />August 29# 19186
<br />has any plans to, ch,a,n,ge the, structure of the three-persion Board
<br />of' Directors. Additi'lonally, please clarify w,hi,clh "Hiauser" (coy--
<br />41
<br />poration or person) will, "control"' the two seats on the Board.
<br />See, tab 2, page
<br />2. In
<br />reviewing the Bank of Boston conami"Ltment letter and
<br />q 0
<br />NCCCC111's capitalizatilon plan it appears that more money is avalil.
<br />able ($�710.6 million), than i's needed, to, purchase the systems
<br />($61.2, million). Please explain whether and how the additlional
<br />vl * a lab " 1 A
<br />a 1� ity of finds w3* 1,1 be allocated, to, each of the systems
<br />which will be acquired. See,, tab, 14,,, agq 2.
<br />P
<br />q Aft
<br />301 The Eank, of Boaion comm, itment letter mentions $.L,3
<br />million in equity, yet Continental izonly hated as, contrILbuting
<br />$110 Millil"on. Pleasie explai i
<br />n. Where s, the other $3 it ion
<br />coming from?
<br />4. You have 1'ndiicated that Hauser Cable of Minnesota owns
<br />SO Percent of the common stock, and Continental Cablevision, or
<br />Minnesota owns 50 pericent of' the common stock of NCCcic. Pleasie
<br />provide additJcnal 1*1 nf orlm,at i"L with re�s,pect, to who holds what
<br />percentage of' ownership for both Hauser Cable of Minnesoltar Inc,,
<br />and Conti,nental Ciablevis.ion of Miinnesotar, Inc., If 'these entities
<br />are owned by another corporation, please provide the pereentage of
<br />ownership i"n each, company up the line until, I "it i's clear what indio-W
<br />vide l ll be controlling NCCCC,.l Seelt tab, 61, page of 3,
<br />W A
<br />ith respect to the renewal on September 21, 19181 of
<br />the Arling ton t Virginia franchise, please specifically state
<br />what, franchise changes were part of the renewal priocess. See,
<br />to 19 , page 1 of 3 *
<br />