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11 <br />32, During the plas,t twelve months, have you been bothered by noise <br />I m <br />a-n your neighborhood, or no t,"'.> (CIRCLE CODE) <br />r + YES BOTHERED (ASK Q& 32a & 321b) <br />0. NO NOT BOTHERED (SKIP TO Qo 313) <br />322. About how often are you blot,hered by noise in your neighborhood <br />0,010 al,most every day, .. olncle a week, slob once a month,, <br />or what*.? (CIRCLE CODE) <br />1, ALPPIOST EVERY DAY <br />2. ONCIE; A WEEK <br />301 ONCE A MONTH <br />40 OTHER (WRITE IN <br />90 DON'T KNOW <br />32b.. What seems to be the cause of most olf *the noise in your <br />neighborhood?, (PROBE BY CLARIFICATION) <br />3' 3, During the past year have you or any m of your household <br />seen any rats in your neighborhood, ... or not'? (CIRCLE CODE) <br />0 NO (SKIP TO Qio 34) <br />YES (ASK Ql. 33,a) <br />3 3a Ab oust low ma in v, e-1 i f f � -r P n i- r I , n i- ho A _CZ 1m;q r hq V tn V n I I n r <br />members of your household seen rats, in your neighborhood".> <br />(WRITE IN <br />