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N <br />81 The City has a Deputy Registrar Of f nice at City Riall 'where <br />Motor vehicles, clan be registered, and license tabs purchased, <br />Have you use the service 'in, the last twelve months? <br />Yes No <br />91 The City, recently changed to a postcard type bill f or <br />utilitly servic�es, charges Do you a,, prove of the use of it <br />,P <br />poisticard-type b,ill? <br />Yes No <br />In general, how, would you rate the a , removal slervice on <br />'those streetis maintained by the City (non-County and non- <br />State roadways) <br />11. How many perisonis in your household, received CPR training in <br />the past three years? <br />12. What do, you like best about your Cilty? <br />131* What do, you dislike moist about your City? <br />A A 9 <br />14,* Are you aware that the City i si 3 , _nvolved in a ma3or redevelop- <br />ment. program in the area of 'I-35W'and Highway 36? <br />., The City has a noinmotorized. pathway system along roadways <br />whiLch, 110s. developing throughout the City., 'Where do you favor <br />these pathways being blui'ltii? <br />A. Off the street on the boulevard <br />B. On, the street <br />16,, Studies, have shown that phosphate "is, the primary cause of <br />l , water quality deter iorationli. Some commun,ities, have <br />pla,ssed regulations prohlbliting phosiph,orous, in fertilizers <br />used in the City,, Do you favor such a regulation? <br />117'.. This ims a question thilat the Council may wish to consider fir <br />IS <br />inclusion.0 <br />a <br />Do you approve or disappriove of the performance of the Mayor <br />a7i.d t4e Cou-ticil? <br />