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-.palm% <br />October 16,, 1986 <br />CS) <br />T'Oi:� City Council <br />FROM: Jim Andri <br />SUBJECT': REVIEW OF901NUNION "EMPLOYEE PI AS SYSTEMS <br />A review of the CiLty's, nonunilion employee � a i <br />ly systems s being <br />,P <br />initiated,. The City has three play systems for its three nonunion <br />employee groups., These groups are <br />Clerical/Technical <br />Supervisory/Conf identi"al <br />41, <br />Administrative/Manalgement <br />Each of these groups has a d "if f ereint type of pay plan, These <br />plans, were develoll ed at different times, <br />,P ,, and all operate dif - <br />ferentl,yI., 'The play plans have all been in operation for a <br />minimum of six years., It has been determined that these pay <br />systems, should, be reviewed 'in light, of new ap roach es to perfor- <br />,P <br />ma,nce evaluation., merit pay, and job classification, <br />The Cloty's pay systems were designed to, provide for fair and <br />equitable pay for all employees,., They are alsol usled to providle <br />rewards forl exc�epti,onal, performance., Because the Clerical/ <br />Technical pay plan has not been f u,lf 11`11 "Ing these f unctions, <br />adequately, the 'initial review �wIi,ll be concentrated on this plan. <br />Sieve ral areas of the Clerical/Technical plan, need attention. <br />These include the performance evaluation,, merit pay, and job <br />al <br />classification sys hems iiii 'The current performance evaluation system <br />is biased on subjectilLve personality factors, rather than measurable <br />results oriented factors. This makes It difficult for supervisorle; <br />and empl,oyees, Ito focus on performance,, <br />The merit pay, system provides, a bloinus ir exceptiona,l performance,, <br />but this reward is not now recognized by the employees. Since the <br />employee's per ion is most important here, the system needs to <br />be changed, so, that the employees, recolg,lze the reward for performance, <br />a <br />The curIrIen,t Position classification system was developed based on <br />i <br />past poisition evaluations. It is assiumed that there will be <br />changes in evaluations biased on the complarabile worth study. A <br />III a <br />new, approach to 3obi class 'if lacation will provide a way Itio handle <br />the new Job evaluatio'ns, <br />There are a number of approaches to, each of these areas that can <br />help to make the, pay plan function moire effectively,, Staff' has <br />If a <br />met with consultantis to discover var,lous approaches to pay plan <br />admIl-ni'stratilon.1 These have been, discussed at Ithe Department Head <br />level, " and will be presented to the chn <br />Cl Clerical/Tical employee <br />group, in the near future. <br />