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ew, <br />meville city council Mi n,u,te.9 <br />*lctioberi 1,3, 1986 <br />90"ME <br />Matson ,moved,, Cushman seconded, that Ordinance ORDINANCE <br />1006, amiending Section 232.140, of the City Code 1006 <br />of the City of' Roseville, providing for pension <br />and other benefits to the Roseville Volunteer <br />Fire Department, be adopted., Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Cushman,, Ma,tsion,, and, Johnson., Nays* None. <br />Hl�! Matson moved, Cushma,n seconded,, to commend Frank FRANK <br />Rog for his rece,ipt, of the prestigious Distinguished ROG <br />Seirvice Award �f rom the Minnesota Parks and Recrea- <br />tilon Assoc, iation September 25, 19,86. Roll Call, <br />a 40 <br />Ayies Cushman,, Mtson and johnson. Nays* None <br />E-11, Matson moved,, Cushman second,eldl, that the meeting be ADJOURNMENT <br />,aolurined,at 10:15 p.m. Roll Call, Ayese. Cushman <br />Mat,soin., and Johnson,, Nays. Noneg <br />FINW40 &096 <br />A,ndr,e " City 'Manager <br />Vernon Johnson, Acting MQ' r <br />