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Pursuant to, due call and notice thereof , a regular meeting of the City <br />ICouncil off' the City, of Hoseville, County of Ramsey Minnesota, was duly held in <br />the City Nall at 26610 Civic Center D rive , Roseville,, M'innesota, on Monday, the <br />tenth day of November, 986 , o licloo . <br />"I <br />WHEREAS, investigation has shown that, it, I's necesisary for traffic safety <br />purposes to construct a new traffic signal, <br />Road and <br />WHEREAS, agreement No,. 726M between MnDOT and the City of Roseville has been <br />prlepar'leed to estabilish the respionsibilloUes, of construction and maintenance in <br />regard, to this traffic signal <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT'' RESOLVED , that the C n ty of Rolseville enter into an agreement <br />with the State of Minnesota,, Department of Transportation for the followin, <br />purrploea , to with: <br />To provide elelotrioal energy and certain maintenance to the new traffic <br />control signal, with, street lights and signing, on Trunk Highway No <br />West, Ramps on Long Lake Road in iaccoirdanoe with the terms and conditions <br />set forth and ciontained in Agreement No,,, , a copy of which was <br />before the Council. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the pirolper City officers be and hereby are <br />authorized, to execute such agreement, and thereby assume for and on behalf <br />• <br />the City all of the contractual obligations <br />