<br />Special meeting of' the City Council - November 17 1986.
<br />It, 7*30 P.m.
<br />The City Counicil met on the above date with the ROLL CALL
<br />following members present: Kehr, Matsion, Cushman, and
<br />Johnson,, Members absent: None.,
<br />Bl. 1 Kehri moved,, Cushmansecondedi that Lincoln LINCOLN
<br />Companies request for final plat at, 1665 COMPANIES
<br />C,ountiy Road C be approved. Roll Call, Ayes.
<br />Kehri Matson,, Cushman,, and Johnson, Nays None
<br />Cushman moved that Vern Johnson, be appointed mayor
<br />to, fill the unexpired term of former mayor June
<br />Diemos. Motiioln died f'lor lack, of a, second.
<br />Cu,s�hman moved, Johnsion, seconded,, that Donn Wiski
<br />ble appointed mayor to fill the unexpired term of
<br />former mayor June Demos. Roll Call,,,, Ayes:
<br />Cushman and Johnson,., Nays: Kehr and Matson.
<br />d
<br />Acting Mayor Johnsion called for any, further nomina-
<br />tions to, serve,, as, mayor., There being none Mr.johnson,
<br />01 r
<br />in accordiancle with Minnesota Statute 412*02, appointed
<br />D�on,n, Wiski to serve as mayor filling the unexpired
<br />term of former mayor June Demos.
<br />Ma,t,isoin moved, K,eh,r seconded, that Donn Wiski
<br />ble provided the op oirt,unity to attend the NLC
<br />P
<br />Convention in San Antonio,, Tex,asi. Roll Call,
<br />41
<br />Ayes: Kehri., Matson, Ciushman, and Johnson.
<br />Nays: N'oln
<br />6;Ames F,,l Andre', City Manager
<br />