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9 3 , 4 ,,, Term of Perm,tt . Permit shall be granted for <br />the , 0 pe0rio of one (1) year and may be renewed annually, <br />9 3. 0 5 0 Requ,irements for Permit. No permit shall be <br />granted unless the following requirements are met. <br />11 <br />The applicant must demonsitrate that he is a <br />physically handicapped plerson as defined 'in <br />MiLnnesota Statute Section 169.345, Subd, 2. <br />(2) The applicant must, submit a certificat4 <br />41 <br />s,igned, by a, physician th,at the applicant i <br />able,, to safely operate a motorized golf carl <br />Oi <br />or all teirriain vehicle on the roadway desig <br />na t eld w I <br />Thie a,pipili,ca,nt must provide evidence of insur- <br />ancile in com,pliance with the provisions of <br />Mi,nnellsotia Statute Section 65B,.48,, Subd, 5. <br />I "tions olf ermit. <br />• P <br />3 , 0 16 0 in Condi The Chief of Police <br />shall designatie the following conditions for operation <br />of the motorized golf' car,t or all terrain vehicle. <br />9 <br />roadway's or portions, tihereof upon which <br />motorized golf' ciarts, or al,l, terrain vehicles <br />w il,l be permitted to operate. <br />i <br />rP Ii 21 <br />*3',) Any other restriLctilons imposed in the inter- <br />ests of public safety,, <br />.Mi <br />• 3 a 0 7 01 ei Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem. Motorized golf <br />carts or all terrain vehic-les shall display the slow <br />moving vehicle emblem provided for in Minnesota Statute <br />Section 169i.52112 when operated on, designated roadways. <br />� M� <br />