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REQUESIT <br />ITEM NO. I ., <br />v l <br />G l <br />ms • <br />Itiem Descriptiond Carmen, Dorso request for, special use pemit at 2814 North <br />. Cleveland, Avenue <br />On, October 139 Noivember 10l and November, 240 1986,, the RoseV*lle CIt Council <br />continued consideration of' a request by Carmen Dorso for a spea ial use perm Iit <br />at 28,14 North Cleveland Avenue* Copies of those council actions plus planning <br />received. comm,i,ssii,on, minutes were in the recommended denial of this request are attachedi <br />The owner this week has said that they would be 'sending a copy of the type of - <br />fence they wioluld, propose to construct, and, this, will be provided to the council <br />if and, when, it is + i <br />Should the council ultimately, e+ nelude that they would grant the variance, the <br />second variance would need to be approved as well. The code does not allow a <br />fence over four, feet in height ad aeent to streets rights-of-way. Another <br />section of the code, however g requires ef. ht feet high fences around any <br />apiproved storage areas.1 A deadline for the variance to expire should also be <br />established lf"' the council grants the variances, <br />the council, is therefore,, back to where it was when it first began this <br />deliberation. At that time the status was as follows: <br />The Roseville P i i I g Commission at its October 9 <br />meeting unanimo <br />recommended denial of' Carmen, Diorso's request, for Special Use Permit at 2814 <br />ID <br />North Cleveland Avenue& The denial was based on the following findings # fact, <br />1. The use is not a legal n,onconforming use, , because Keystone's bumpers <br />were not stared on the site until 1917'7 Also when the zoning <br />district was, formed in 119599 blum +ors were not stored on the site. <br />'illegal 2. The ' •le and the future development in t,he area# I <br />Motion approving/denyInIg Carmen D�orsolis request for Spe ial Use Permit at <br />2814 North Cleveland Avenue, blasied on the aforementioned f P <br />i <br />