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Roseville City Councii <br />Page, 2 <br />December 1'9,, 1,9861 <br />period, of time to grant, this permit because of the previously mentioned <br />development 'in the area,. We have puirposely kept the lease month to <br />month to preserve our flexibility on this project, Thi s time f rame <br />protects Dorso 'Tira,iler Sales," abil,ity to maintain its property in an <br />attractive manner and also protects the city by giving an outside time <br />I <br />limit, as to whien the sipeicial use permit, would expire. <br />We believe that by granting our requiest, everyone ends up a winner, <br />The City of Rosevi'lle will have a large, piece of property in one of <br />its prime development areas, attractively maintained, and retain a <br />loing established business in Roseville I'e Keystone Automotive, For <br />Dorsol it alliows us to maintain a source of income to maintain our prop- <br />erty in a manner attractive to the city and our customers, <br />We appreciate very much, the city's interest in working out • satisfactory <br />arrangement with us and would request that this special use permit be <br />granted for the period requested soi that we may proceed with our business <br />I <br />and the city may put this matter behind it and proceed with more imDortant <br />matters, <br />UM <br />rd H. fientes <br />