Regular Meeting the Clay Council, - December 17 9 1 98141
<br />The City Clouncil met on the above, date with the following members
<br />re en : Kehri, Franke, Curly Johnson and Demos,, Members absent:
<br />None .I
<br />A -1 'uaurley moved,, Franke seconded taut, the, minutes of the meeting, of
<br />December 10, 19184 b e approved, Roll Cal l,1 Ayes: Ke r, Franke,
<br />Curley, Johnson and Dem,os.1 Nays l None.
<br />s
<br />• .M•
<br />Ito OAM!
<br />B-1 Curley moved, Franke seconded that Resolution No., 7617 4,, giving RESOLUTION
<br />f
<br />preliminary, approval, of an apiplicIatioln for Industrial, Revenue Bonds 7674
<br />5 IIW
<br />for Oakcreist Development Com any be adopted. . Roy l Call, Ayes Kehr, ,
<br />Prange, Curley, Johnson, and Demos., Naffs None,,
<br />Iehr moved, Johnson seconded that joint meeting be established with LEGISLATIVE
<br />the Roseville legislative tiv dele atim oln at am., do sdatV$ January DELEGATION
<br />9, 1985, at, the Professorls. Rill Call, Aye. ; Kehr, Franke, Curley, JOINT MEETING
<br />Johnson and Demos. Nays:, None.
<br />C- III Johnson moved , Franke seconded that a urne11 Work Session, be WORK SESSION
<br />staubli shed, for Monday, January 7, 11 9185 at P.m., for the purposes
<br />of discussing, organizational appointments, preliminary, bridge design
<br />and any other business deemelld appropriate by the Council Roll Call,
<br />Aye's: Kiehr,i Franke,, Curley, Johnson, and Demios.1 Nays None,
<br />Kuhr moo d, J hns+on seconded to announce that one vacancy will exist VOLUNTEER
<br />on the Human RightisCommission, and one on the Parks and Recreation COMMISSION
<br />Board as of April, 11 1,9185 ,1 and that applications will bl a accepted VACANCIES
<br />until January 31# 1 9185 to, fill the vacanciles., Roil . Call , Aye Ee r , I,
<br />Franke, Curley, Johnson and Dem,ols. Nays None.
<br />E -1 Representatives, from fromt the , firm of r , , El, io l , and Hendrickson BRIDGE DESIGN
<br />were in attendance a and introduced two new members of their firm, CONSULTANT
<br />T Clayton Beebe and John Steenberg, Both are Civil Engineers and
<br />speclialize in bridge design,
<br />