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CASE NUMBER: 1569-84 <br />=0 <br />9 <br />di P a rkii ng The aisle spacing on the southeasterly part of the main <br />0 <br />parking lot does not line up with, the aisles to the north. We <br />a, <br />suggest this 'be corrected by moving the principal access road to B-2 <br />MI di <br />slightly to the east, thus allowing alignment with the aisles to the <br />r.orth. <br />0 V <br />The parki I ag ratio for sihoppling centers in Roseville is established at <br />five, spaciesi pier 1,,000i sq,uarie feet of' gross leasable area. I:he <br />parking design as proposed *is a,t a ratio of approximately 4.6 spaces <br />per 1,0010. A recient situdy done on a national levelo however, <br />indicates that for major shopping centers a ratio of 4.5 per 1,000 <br />is adequate., <br />Iv <br />'we inspected, the Rosedale, Shopping Center at 4:00 p.m. on the <br />1 41 <br />da i 'We fund that there wer e a mple spaces <br />Satury preceding Chris m <br />tas o <br />a "lable *n the parking lot, plart-cul,arly 'n the southeast quadrant <br />val 1 1 1 <br />of, the Rosedale site. The staff' feels that- the parking ratios as <br />proposed wl".11 be appiropriate,.l <br />e Liandsca2i'pj. A landscaping and lighting plan has been prepared <br />which in concept appear to be well done. We would suggestv however, <br />that as a condition of the approval that final landscaping and <br />li ght ng plants be subje�c,t to s of review. There may be some <br />adjustments in some of the critical areas, particularly as they <br />relate to, the periphery, planting, on the steep sloe. - <br />