<br />Regular Meeting of the City, Council - February 2,5, 1985. 7:30 p.m.
<br />The our met on the, above date with, the following members
<br />,present:- Curley, Franke, Johnson, Kehr and Demos. Members
<br />absent: Nonie .,
<br />A-1 Cur'ley,m,ov,ed,, K,ehr seconded that the minutes of the regular MINUTES
<br />meeting of February, 11,, 1985 be approve d.1 Roll Call, Ayes;
<br />Curley, Franke, Johnson, Ke and Demiasl. Na,ys: None 11
<br />4
<br />C
<br />,Curley moved,, Kehr seconded, that the minutes of the spe lal AINUTES
<br />III eetingi of' February 21, 19851 be approved. Roll Call,, Ayes.
<br />Curley, F'ran,keo johnsoinKehr and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />10,1,-1 Kehr moved, Franke sieconded, that C-Roi Hakworthyls request for Co R.
<br />final, plat at, 171 Center Street, be continued to the March 11, HAKWORTHY
<br />198i5 Counicil meeting, Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Franke, Johnson,
<br />Keihr, and Demos. Na,ys None
<br />*I #
<br />Franke moved,, Johnson, seconded that Resolutlon 71690, supporting RESOLUTIO
<br />special legislation enabling the Clity of R,osieville to exercise 7690
<br />all the powers of a, port authority providied, by nnesota Statutes
<br />be adopted. Roll, Call, Ayes: Curley, Franke, Johnson, Kehr and
<br />Demos. Nays None
<br />Ei-i2 Curiley movedi, JI Kehr seconded that, Resolution 76,91, accepting the RESOLUTION
<br />bid of Lametti and Sons in the amount of $227,030v50 for 7691
<br />Roseville improvement No. 77-131bi be adioipteld, with approval of the
<br />project ciontingen,t on Minnesota PICA approval. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Curley, Franke, johnsion, Kiehr and Dem,osi.1 Nayso, None.
<br />a, IL all
<br />1P li V 111 11
<br />MI a
<br />IL 4 4.
<br />*I #
<br />Franke moved,, Johnson, seconded that Resolutlon 71690, supporting RESOLUTIO
<br />special legislation enabling the Clity of R,osieville to exercise 7690
<br />all the powers of a, port authority providied, by nnesota Statutes
<br />be adopted. Roll, Call, Ayes: Curley, Franke, Johnson, Kehr and
<br />Demos. Nays None
<br />Ei-i2 Curiley movedi, JI Kehr seconded that, Resolution 76,91, accepting the RESOLUTION
<br />bid of Lametti and Sons in the amount of $227,030v50 for 7691
<br />Roseville improvement No. 77-131bi be adioipteld, with approval of the
<br />project ciontingen,t on Minnesota PICA approval. Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />Curley, Franke, johnsion, Kiehr and Dem,osi.1 Nayso, None.
<br />