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WHEREAS, tobacco, smoke has been i'dient,ified by the Minnesota <br />Department of Health as the cause of 5,000 deaths, <br />3,9,00�O person years of d,"I"isa,bility, and 374 million <br />dollars of direct miedical costs each year in M Minnesota <br />and <br />WHEREAS, United Sitates, Surgeon Geneiral C. Everett Koop has called <br />f'lor a national campaign to achieve a smoke-free society <br />by the year 2000,, and <br />WHEREAS, t,he Minnesota Department of Health,, through a technical <br />4 <br />advisory committee,, has made recommendations to achieve <br />I <br />a smoke-free society by programs directed- <br />to yiouth, by educational efforts to assist them 'in <br />resisti"ing tobacco industry promotion and peer <br />preissure and to, choose a smoke-free lifestyle; <br />to non-smokers, by increased protection from the <br />health risks associated with sidestream smoke; <br />to smokers, by assistance, for the eighty five <br />0 a <br />percent, who are trying to quit., in overcoming <br />their, addiction .1 <br />