<br />2
<br />Roll Call Ayes: Franke, Johnson, Kehr and Demos. Nays,-,
<br />None .
<br />Franke moved, K�ehr seconded that Ordinance 9689 rezoning ORDINANU.
<br />0
<br />Metropolitan Recovery Corporation pr,olperty at 2430 Rose 968
<br />Place from 1-2 to, I'-i2ia • adopted. Roll, Callp Ayes:
<br />i
<br />Franke,, johnson, Kiehr and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />,and establishing the public hearing on the final plat for
<br />the April, 8, 19,85 meeting. Roll, Call,, Ayes: Franke,
<br />Johnson, Kehr and Demos - Nays: None,.,
<br />B-5 Kehr moved, Franke seconded that Charles Mattson 's
<br />appliciation for relocatio"n of dwelling to 2870 Wheeler
<br />Street be approved. Roll, Call, Aye,sdi Franke, Johnson and
<br />Kehr. Nays: None. Abstained: Demos, blecause.her son and
<br />daughter own, the lot at 2870 Wheeler Street.
<br />E -1 Kehr moved, Johnson seconded that Ettinger Transfer
<br />Clorporation application for division of lot at 2360 County
<br />Road C be, approved, as per the survey, dated 1/9/85 and
<br />revIsed /6/85.1
<br />Roll Call,, Ayes* Franke, Johnson, Kehr and
<br />Demos. Nays: None,
<br />a
<br />E-2 Kehr moved, Franke seconded, that Tanu,rb Developments, Inc.
<br />TANURB
<br />application, for preliminary, plat at 2,48,0 Fairview Avenue be
<br />approvied with the, following conditions:
<br />That an acci►ss easement for America Street from the
<br />east property line to County Road, B- be provided on
<br />the plat,
<br />2) That all .utility easements be approved by staff;
<br />and estiablis"hing, the hearing on the final plat for April 8,
<br />198�5. Roll Call Ayes: Franke, Johnson, Kehr and Demos.
<br />Naysl: None,,
<br />E-31 Kehr moved, Johnson sec,on,ded, that Paul Kysylyczyn iLli
<br />app cation PAUL
<br />for division of lot at 3083 Victoria be approved, with the KYSYLYCZYN
<br />following condit ions:
<br />