<br />Slp�ecial meeting of the City Councill - May 31, 198►
<br />The CityCouncil met on the above datewilth the following members
<br />present: Franke,,, Curley, Johnson, Kehr and Demos.
<br />INM =�_�
<br />joh,n,s�on, mloved, Franke, siecondeid, to adopt Resolution No. 7735 iOn
<br />,support of Ei.,P.,A. Lake Improvement Pro 0 in
<br />jects on County Ditch Four,
<br />Oasis Pliond and Lake Josephine. Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, Curley,
<br />1P
<br />Johnson,, Kehr and Dleim,os. Naysei Non,e.1
<br />I
<br />Franke, milloveld, Demos seconded, to amend the motion by substlitutina- -4
<br />the word "woulid" for m line five above to, requ"
<br />ire the
<br />retaining wall construction. Roll Call, Ayei's. Franke, Curley,
<br />Demos. Niays!, Kehr, Johnson,.,
<br />I
<br />Roll Call on the original motion as amended, Ayes: Franke, Curly,
<br />John, Kieihri and Demos. Naysm. None,
<br />W*
<br />Johnson moved, Kehr seiconde,d, to approve, an, amendinent to Condition
<br />No. '7 on council action dated February 11,, 1,9,85 to permit a
<br />decorative gray roick face concrete masonry strip on the back (north
<br />and east) sides of the building. Ayesi. Franke, Curley, Johnson,
<br />Kehr and Demos". Nays: None,,
<br />Franke moved,, Johnson, sile,con,ded that the meleting be adjourned at AWOURNMENT
<br />514,55 PM. Roll Call, Ayes.* Franke, Curley, Johnson, Kehr and
<br />Demos,, Nays: None,
<br />lip
<br />ATTEST
<br />James F And re-
<br />City Manager June Demos, Mayor
<br />4e_"
<br />