"n 41
<br />Aegular meeting iof the C ifty Council May 1,3, 1985. , 7:30 p.m.
<br />The City Council, met on the above at with the following
<br />0
<br />members present; Keb,r, Franke, Johnson and Demos, Members
<br />absent: Curley.
<br />A-1 Kehr mlovied Franke seconded that thei,minutes of the meeting MINUTES
<br />of April 22, 1985 be a,pprolvied. Roll Call,,, Ayes: Kehr, Franke,
<br />johnson and, Demos. Nays�: None.
<br />Kehr moved, Franke seconded tihat the, Cit,y,Council join with the PROCLAMATION
<br />Mayor 'in proclaiming the week of May 12, 19185 as Law Enforcement
<br />Y
<br />Week in the City of Roseville. Rol,l Call, Ayes: Kehr, Franke,
<br />Johnson and Demos,. Na,ys: None,
<br />B- 1 Johnson moved, Demos sieicionded, that Resolution 7720, ordering RESOLUTION
<br />improvement P-814-24, reconstruction of Sextant west of Grotto 7720
<br />Strieet
<br />a Streeit,, and, authorizil"Ing the preparation of
<br />ei
<br />plans,, be, adopit,ed,. Roll Ciall, Ayes, Fr,an,kie, Johnson and Demoso
<br />Nays: Kie'hr.
<br />Johnson moved, Demos secon,died that Resolution 7721, ordering RESOLUT!
<br />W
<br />improvement P-84-24a, reconstruction of Sextan,t/Transit from 7721
<br />,Grotto Street to Dale Strieeti, and authorizing the preparation of
<br />plans, be adoptied. Rioll Gall,i Ayes: Franke,, Johnson and Demos.
<br />N'ays .1- Keh,ri . I
<br />1) That separate uttyservices be provided to each lot, per
<br />the City'si slubdivi'Lision regulation.
<br />2) That the appillicant deplosit, one and one half times the cost
<br />'gi 0i 11
<br />of the, public improvements (utility services),,
<br />Roll Call,, Ayes:, Kehr, Franke, Johnsion andDemos. Nays'. None.
<br />I
<br />Bi-3'1 Franke, moved, Johnson seconded, that Tainu,r,b Developments, TANUPA
<br />6
<br />application for final plat at 2480 Fairivilew Avenue be approved,
<br />w it,h the follolwing conditions,
<br />I
<br />P
<br />That an access, easement for America, Street, from the east
<br />property line to County Road B-2 be, provided on the plat.
<br />1
<br />2) 'That all utility easiements, be approved by staff.
<br />ft oll, Call, Ayes,* K,ehr., Franke, Johnson and Demos. Nays,, None,
<br />