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Johnson moved, Franke seicoinded that Resolution 7731. receiving RESOLUTION <br />the feasibility study for project P-84-37, Fairview widening at 7731 <br />,County Road B-2 and County Road B-2 island work, and ordering <br />the i,mp�ro,vement and, preparation of -olia-ris, be, adopted. Roll <br />Call, Ayes:, Kehr, Fraink,ei, johnson and Demosi, Nays: None, <br />Johnson moved, Franks seconded that the withdrawal of pet"tion <br />I <br />for improvement SS-84-36, W'eist Snelling Frontage Road, be <br />approved. Roll Call, Ayes.* Kehr, Frankies Johnson and Demos. <br />Nays. Noine. <br />E-18i Franke moved, J'olh,n,s�on seconded, that the 1,984-1985 Court lease COURTROOM <br />agreement be approved, anid authorizing the, Citiy Manager to LEASE <br />sign, the agreement,. Roll Call, Ayes,, Keh Franke, Johnson and <br />Demos. Niays: None. <br />i <br />E-19 Johnson moved., Franke sieconded that the following applications <br />& 4 <br />be referred, to the June 51 anning ion me <br />,v 1985 Pl Conniss' eting, <br />,and, establishing t,hei Cloluncil public, hearing for the meeting of <br />June, 1,0�, 1985: <br />1) Burger King Corporation application for rezoning from B-4 t <br />i <br />r use permit for self-siervice restaurait <br />and <br />variances to sieitbiack at, 2080 County Road C. <br />2) Northwest Districit of the, Christian and Missionary Alliance <br />Church appli',cation for rezoning from R-1, to B-It variance to <br />setback for sign, and variance to number of parking spaces at <br />1 <br />18'13 Liex,ingt,on Avenue. <br />Roll Call,, Ayes. Keh,r,, Franke, Johnson and Demos. Nays.-, None, <br />10 4 <br />E-20 Kehr moved, Franke seconded that Resolution 7'7314, apportionment RESOLUTION <br />of assessments on the divislon, of a platted lot at 3069 West 7734 <br />Owasso Boulevard, Division No. 059067 by Ramsey County, be <br />aidopted. Roll Call, Ayes-0 K,ehr, Franke,, Johnson and Demos. <br />N'ays: None ., <br />E-,21 Keh,r moved, Franke seconded that the M'al,t Beverage license for JIMMY GI <br />Jimmy GIs, 2,3193 Rice Strieet,, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes.s <br />Kehr,j Franke, ijohnsion and Demos. Nays.: None,,, I <br />