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`ICHA,RD FEARING (16015), 1 August, 1985' <br />is fl' f tieen. However,, if the site were still a service <br />station, City regulatiLons 'would al,l,ow a five foot setback in <br />that ca,s,e. <br />Oi <br />Under, these con,d, i tilons an additional f 10 ve f eet of <br />rightqmlof-,way is required, for Clounty Road D. Mr Fear i ng <br />propolsed to, dedicate t,ha,t, ten feiet as a part of this <br />dievelopment improvement,. <br />Tou wi,11 notie too that a new fence is proposed along the west <br />property conti'Lguouis to the duplex on, the west side of the <br />S i t e 'This fence will, extiende�di along the south property <br />1 3Lne, <br />I <br />The request then is, for a variance to the setback to tho-.iw <br />existing structure f rom the required ten feet to <br />approximately f our f eet and a, varl 'lance <br />to the parking <br />sletiblack from flofteen feet to five feet on County Road D and <br />0 40 <br />F,ai,rview. The sign vairiance is from, tbirty feet to three <br />feet. <br />The a,lt,ernate oPtion, i,s to simply leave the site as it ise <br />It wolul,d appear, however, tha,t the overall appearance and <br />functi"Lon, of the site will be improved by the elimination of <br />the one drivieway nearest the intersection and completion of <br />the development, improvements proposed.1 <br />'The City has received a, letter dated July 24 from John <br />Schiller who I I 3104 North Fa,lorview Avenue. A copy <br />of that letter is atitach,ed. <br />