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EXTRACT OF MINUTESi OF A MEETING OF TH <br />,CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />ROSEVILLEr MINNESOTA <br />1985 <br />Pursivanti to, due call and notice thereof a regular meet ing <br />of the, C'ity council of the Ci,ty, of Rosevi'lles Ramsey County, <br />Minnesota, was du,ly, called andi held at the City Hall 'in said <br />City on, the day of Ili 1985f at o1clock P.m. <br />is <br />The followl"i members weire priesent, <br />IV <br />and the, following 'werie absient,. <br />0, <br />M,eI mble r introduced the following resolution <br />and moiveld its adoption. <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Clity Counci'l of the City io� <br />Rosevi'lleili Minniesoital, as followsi-. <br />WHEREASt <br />As Section 3 of Laws, of Minnesota, 1985r Chapter 301, <br />the "Act") grants the City of Roseville the powers of a port <br />authority; <br />B M innes ota St,atu,tels Section 6 4 5s 0 21 Prov ides in part <br />that, a spleci al law sh,all n,olt be ef'fective without approval of <br />the loicilal governing unit affected, which approval shall be by <br />resolution adlopted by a majority vote of all members of the <br />governing dys <br />r <br />C* Section 15 of the Aci,t provides that the Act will b <br />I <br />effecti've, for the CiLty of Roseville the day after the <br />a <br />resolution approving the special law is filed with the <br />minniesiota, Secretary of State; <br />