E-3 Curley Moved, Kehr Selconided, that Resolution 7583, supporting RESOLUTION 7583
<br />an increiase in, the numbler of on-sale 1i i iquor lifficenses, and
<br />re1questing the Roseville le,glislative dielegation to jointly
<br />sponsor and introduce speciallegislation for same, be adopted,
<br />Roll,l Call I
<br />Ayes: Curley, Kehr, Frankeji Johnson and Demos,
<br />Nayso, Nonei.
<br />R-5i CuTl,ey,M�oved,, Kehr Seconded, that the Mayor and Manager be AGREEMENT WITH I
<br />authorized to sign, a general engineering ag,rieement with the SHORT, ELLIOTT
<br />consulting firm of Short, Ell-iott and Hendrickson and AND HENDRICKSON
<br />Assocli'ates. Roll �Ca,ll., Ayesi Cu,rley,., Kehr,,, Franke,
<br />Johnson and Demos, Nays; None.
<br />E-71 Franke Moved, Kehr Seconded,,, that Resolution 7585, accepting RESOLUTION 7S85
<br />the petition for Project SS-84-4., sanitary sewer on Victoria
<br />at Roselawn.,, and authorizing the prepiaration of a feasibility
<br />report, be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes.- Curiley, Kehr, Franke,
<br />Johnsion, and, Dem,osi,, Na,ysi: None.1
<br />