Regular Meeting of the C ity, Council Februar 27, 1984.
<br />Y 7*030 P*M0
<br />The lC3m'-ty Council met on the above II the following
<br />memblers Present: Johnson, Franke,,- Kehr, Curley, and Demos.
<br />9
<br />Memblers absent,. None,,
<br />A- 1 Curley Moved,,, Kehr Seconded,, that, the Minutes of the Regular MI NMS
<br />Meeting of February 13., 19184, be approved, Roll Call ., ' Ay 6
<br />es
<br />Johnson, Franke,, ehr, Cur'l,ey, a,n''d Demos. 1 Nays: None,
<br />ER - I Keihr Moved N
<br />Curley Secionded, that the funding of the Grass GRASS LAKE
<br />Lake Water Management Organization's request for $2,000.00 WATER NLOAGE -
<br />Oi
<br />forin-itial operating expen,seis from the City's Contingency NENT ORGANIZA-
<br />Fund be apprio d, Roll Call.,, Ayes: johnson., Franke, KehT. TION
<br />Curley, and Demos. Nays: None*
<br />Ei-,2 Ke�hr Moved, ied Johnson, Seconded, that Resolution 7589 approving RESOLUTION 7589
<br />the preliminary layout for, the improvement of TH 51 south
<br />of T'H, 36,, being con,s,i,dered, by the Minnesota Department of
<br />Transport at i
<br />