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MEETING Febrmry 28, 81 <br />DATE <br />KEQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION, <br />T11 NG <br />,Codes and Ordinances Fire <br />I <br />ITEM DiES,CRI,PTION. <br />Adoption of Appendix E of M="esota Uniform Building Code <br />HEAD APPROVAL. <br />On ApriLl 13, 1983, tihe State of Minnesota adopted legislation that allowed municipalities <br />to adopt,, by reference and without change, Appendix E of the 1983 Uniform Building Code. <br />46 0 W <br />Append ix E provides for installation of on-prem,se automat ic f ire suppress ion systems in <br />new, construction, These requirements are over and above the general requirements of the <br />Fu-1-1d MOg code and are M-tiented to alleviate increas:'Lng denmds for addit 1-onal f ire <br />suppression, resources provided by the local nmicipalities., <br />,By prov idi ng the bu im1ti - m*, f ire suppress ion systems, the, cost, s born by those who W1 <br />benef it by, it, =st on a one time cost rather than the nmicipal ity having to pay for <br />the, additional fire suppiressi & on, forces on. an annual reoccurring basis. I <br />T. Group B-2 - retail, warehouses or manufacturing areas with 2,000 or more gross sq. ft. <br />of area or three or more stories M' height. <br />