Council Meet,ing oif March 26, 1984,
<br />-2_
<br />E-1 Kehr Moved, Johnson-Seconded, approvin
<br />I I g the 1984 Street STREET
<br />Department material b-.d si being awarded, to, the following DEPARTMENT
<br />low, bi,dders: B,II S
<br />1,) Class 5, Crushed Limestione - -J. Ll. Shliely Co. at
<br />$5,42 pier ton*
<br />2) FAl Siand - Barton Sand, and Gravel at, $3,.1,0 per ton.
<br />3) FA2 Buckshot - Bartion, Sand, and Gravel at $6.75 per
<br />ton.
<br />4) 2331, Blacktop - T. A. Sch,3*'.:fsky & Sons at $19,.75 per
<br />ton.
<br />5) CRSP*2 Emulsified Asphalt 01'1 - Koch Asphalt at
<br />$0.6549 pier gallon' .
<br />16) RC-8010 �O Asphalt at $1.0205 per gallions
<br />Roll Call,, Ayes: Johnson., Kehr., Franke,, and, Demos,
<br />Nays.* Non,e.1
<br />F"2 Johnson Moved, Franke Seconded, that Bl,uemel, Tree DISEASED TRET
<br />Servilice be declared the l,ow bidder and awarded the
<br />contract for the 1984 Diseased Tree Removal, Project
<br />M-84-1. Roll Call, Ayes:� Johnson, K�e,h,r, Franke,
<br />i
<br />and Demols.1 Nays: None*
<br />14-4 Frianikle Moved,, Kehri Seconded.,, that the following licenses LICENSES
<br />be approved:
<br />I & I &
<br />