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IV. Concurrent Diecision Process on Prlo"ect <br />40 <br />N. At the clonclusion of the 310,-day, public comment period on an EAW, the <br />0 <br />cliouncil, may, choose to pursue coins iderat 'Ion of the project 'in a manner <br />Mi 4 <br />that would result 'in, the council being in a position to approve or di's <br />approvie the project at the same <br />® they make the decision on the <br />need, for, an, E11S. <br />Mi <br />Thi's coul,d be done for pirolject,s needing Planning Commission action by <br />r the' Weration and <br />referring the item tio, the commission in time fo ir consi <br />reclommenidatiLon, to the council by-thie date the council will decide on the <br />need, for an Any, Planning Commi'ssion recommendation for approval <br />,should be conditioned ion a, nelvative declaration on the EM, being forth- <br />0.0 <br />coming', by the counc3-1. <br />4 <br />B. The potential aictions the council, could take on the project at the same <br />date as, the dec:Lsion on the EAW are as follows: <br />Decis on on the Need for an EIS, <br />A. The council would decide one ill the following at the f irst meeting at least <br />9 <br />ten days, but not more than thirty days of' the close of the review period: <br />1. Issue a negative declaration., (No need for EIS). <br />2. Iss�ue a positive declaration that the project has potential for <br />0 <br />sign.ificant environmental effects and, therefore, an EIS is needed, <br />The council's proposed scope for the EIS is to be givenat this time, <br />B . The council shal,l maintain a record, of specific findings of fact <br />s decision. <br />C'. 'The council shall not-ify appropriate entities within 5 days if, <br />0 <br />An EIS scopling process is to be done when, 'it has been decided that an EIS *1 <br />to be priepareld. (To be carried out by chairperson of the ERB) <br />The scoping process is to be done based on the EAW. It determines the rele <br />4 <br />vant issluesil, form,,, level of detail, content, alternative, timetable and pre <br />pareirs of the EIS; as well, as any needed permlits', I <br />
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