RegulaTM,eeting of the City Councill -1 April 23, 1984.
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the following
<br />members present: Franke, Johnson, Curley,, Kehr., and Demos,
<br />Members absent,*, None,
<br />K�I Ke,hr Moved, Johnson Seconded, that the minutes of the
<br />regular meeting of April 90 1,984, be approved,- Roll Call
<br />Aye,s,: Franke, johnson., Curley., Kehr�.. and Demos. Nays-,
<br />None. I
<br />her Moved,., Franke Seconded., that the Counci'l join with
<br />the Mayor in proclaiming' the fourth week in Agri l,, 1984
<br />to be Youth Temperance Educatl'on Week in the City of
<br />R,ose ill e., Roll Call, Ayes: Franke,, Johnson., Curley.,
<br />Kehr, and Demos, Nays: None,
<br />B-1 Curley Moved, Johnson, Secionded, that Resolution 7602 R,ESIOL,UTI,ON 7602
<br />,ordering #I of Project P-83-201, with a
<br />34i ft. wide pla,ve�ment, except -from Roselawn to Ryan which shall
<br />be 44 ft.,, and instructi"niz the PublIc Works staff to pro-
<br />plarle the plans, be, adiopte Roll Call,., Ayes,.- Franke,
<br />Johnson,, C'urley,,, Kehr,, and D�emos., Nays: None,
<br />Johnson Moved, Curley Seconded,, that Resolutlion 7603
<br />prohibitilng parking, on the west, side of Flernw,00d Street.,
<br />between County, Road B, and Ryan Avenue., be adopted. Roll
<br />Call, Ayes: Franke, Johnson, Curley, Kehr, and Demos.
<br />Naffs; None,,
<br />Curl,ey Moved, Kehr Seconded, that Resolution 7605
<br />prohibiting parking on the south side of County Road D',
<br />from H ighcrest, Road to I W', be adopted .1 Roll Call
<br />Ayes: Franke, Johnson,, Curley, Keh,r, and Demos. Nays:
<br />None .1
<br />