<br />11
<br />Regular Meeting of the CJtY Council May 7, 1984a 7:30 P*M*
<br />The City, Council met on the above date with the following
<br />members present ehrl,, Franke, Johnson, Clur'leI y, and Demos.
<br />Mem,blers absent: None.,
<br />Kehr a Moved,,,, Franke Seconded, that the minutes, of the regular MINUTES
<br />meeting of April 23, 1984, be approved# Roll Call, Ayes:
<br />a
<br />Kehr, Frankep Johnson., Curley, and Demos. Nays. NoneS
<br />Kehr Mioved,, Franke Secionded, that the Counc Oil j o "in with the PROCLAMATION
<br />Mayor min proclaiming, the week of May 13 to May 1,9, 1984, to
<br />be Law Enforcement Week, "in the City of Roseville, Roll Call.,
<br />Ayes: Kehr,, Franke, Johnson, Curley', and Demos., N'ays: None,
<br />B- I Franke Moved,,, Demos Seconded, that a, resolution giving pre- RESOLUTION
<br />nary appirolval of an application for industrial Revenue
<br />411
<br />Bonds for Rose of Sharon Nursing Home project be adopted.
<br />Roll Call., Ayes, Friankle and Demos,,, Nays; Kehr, Johnson,
<br />and Curley.
<br />2 Curley Moved, Kehr Secionded, that Discus of'Roseville, Inc.'s DISCUS OF
<br />request for rez,on,iong, -from R-1 and Bi-1, to B-2i at 2561 Snell' ROSEVI
<br />be denied, Roll! Call, a lngp LLE, INC.
<br />Frankel and Joihn,son.1 , Ayes* Kehr, Curley, a,nd,Demos. Nays:
<br />B -3 Curley Moved., Johnson Seconded, that Discus of Roseville, Inc.'s DISCUS OF
<br />Is
<br />dbia Fuddrucker'S. request, for on-sale and,special Sunday liquor ROSEVILLE,, INC
<br />licienses at 2561 North Snelling Avenue,, be denied. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Kehr, Frank , Johnson, Curley,, and Demos,, Nays: None,
<br />I
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