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W. Steve North <br />ji Assi'stant, City Manager <br />CI*ty of Rosevifle, <br />Page 2 <br />May 1,0, 1984 <br />new buslinesses such as restaurants and hotels to be constructed 'in the tax <br />increment, finiancingy districitsil through the II-mitation of the new licenses being <br />used in those distrilcts, the CouncH is serving a further municipal purpose. <br />%.a <br />I P_ i <br />T'h is, ty e of a fimi'tation i's a novel one d there isi the potential of it being <br />attackled in court as beiing a vl*ola,tl*o,n of the equal priotection clause of the <br />Constitution. I believe we have, valid and good' reasons, to justif y our action and I <br />do not believe the Council should be overly concerned withi a potential challenge, <br />but it should be considered a possl'bility. <br />Finally, "If' the Council chooses this means of limitation, on the use of the <br />remaining liquor li" <br />0 1 censes it should be done by an amendment to our licensing <br />oridi,nanci,e rather than as a policy or, resolution. <br />