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he I Illy <br />2849 M01"Jull <br />4 <br />Krui ls s Vl esLivood Additim, <br />11), <br />111tuiJOIFL JIM j 16 <br />We request a variance from tlj(,,., coldel, 16 deli requires a ten fout mitilifluill <br />diStalIC0 fl-011t MC p.-roper-ty line to pormlatimit house/garagel upulls, ili <br />4 tached trarage irito, a two car, <br />ordej to exparid our prosent ori�e c�ar tit JL t <br />tW011-ty-OLILb ioo'L ('211) W1de pl-till,rage. <br />JL 11 approxi'matel <br />n y <br />1I,IC1* It. -m ori respositioning the exlc- Lltig titer 1-114-api'Ll WEI <br />se vet, rchcolt, memvei, i nt, tiels 7' 7 4roxii i t I s. 1) v (1, s I i,i Ll 1u ca L i o ti to iv i -tI i, <br />e I lit feet, threic itichels B ul' Lhe adjUcent propiLki-ty Hille. (."81'11 <br />I g <br />Marion Street) The% proposed overltung will mce-t exist iriff, code of <br />"7 <br />ry <br />eatef. t I I it. I I L I I ree Yet., L r I -oln -C I I I wp o e, I . Ly 1,1* <br />, 1*11V vi <br />101 <br />MUMMIM0111 <br />Two carls are not n luxury in duty and Rge) Ultis schrivice iii our area <br />is not a viable or rulasottable altern-UtIve fOl' UUr fm ail y's needslif, Our <br />housebold has five occup-ants, elli on their mvn schodules, attending, <br />I <br />three (11' ffcArcrit schoo I is mid t1irce work I oell io Ils Two plart-tiriie j�obis, <br />1, IL 14ansport- tht-is we sele the ne(.l for two,,, <br />tclems reqtdre addiLimml til <br />if 110t, L'Idditio[IL113 CtIA-1180 <br />11rumitly, ive pork 01 T I C?j car iii the exi*sting garafre IVII'.Je the other is, <br />p1trill ii, rr on-t. u uie garage, oxel itiost utides-I'molably, uit Marion Street. <br />If the ciar th'i tlug gav(sitye ils reffulorle.a, Blovement uf Lite, other cil i,s <br />necessary. Needless to sny, iiiovement of ti-As car is undesireable', <br />costlyt etc. <br />Alternatives would he -to construct a "Itunnell"' type olf garlagrel, addi',xig a <br />S111frIell ell gfirtage either inmiedlintely 'in frlot)t of, or irid, the <br />pri vi., clit silig-le Clar III-11-1.111re. This 1,11),01"011k AVOUld be tuol cusLly, requirclus <br />3 <br />ijiuvement of (me cm? In ordex Lug l got Lite 111tierIll C(lir otit <br />(ellittled to <br />ablove), re(jaiires movement of' perilaanient fences and *troes nand would be <br />ae.gMe-timedly displeasing to ourselves and our 11eighborhoold. <br />A doulille unfiLtim-lieti b0hilld UX) prosont, houll woLdd Ulsol be <br />1,11 v C) <br />and 11011[lkjjjllr UNIFU001HISIV10% ell 1100 161 1, till. ri,klbi oo IIierece I <br />1, t''I ts 111116YA)VE11 UIR 1410nm4miell-L Cence.s. <br />, o it . C t�l I vi 0 111 v If <br />Al L <br />V ll Jkl CIA .1 • , . () I <br />aml tic kaplltpi,isht no I ol i;.s 1, x 01t141.1)11U11 Ur the <br />T1141(l (J 1,110 p1ru.q., Lill OL'o,1111i'lo w ll' LU duabliv Cia. lvilva I j Wie <br />l'U k IS <br />'10INLIA0 t1litl Vdi'll 0111L4-1JtCCl UU-41 i1t)IJUNUM1,11C L1 11d VILI 0 <br />1111W) vivillLv vil LL <br />Ul" mll. eultid, honell"LiLl Lliv itoij.-liblurlluut'i. IL vAll iiA <br />nognLiv(Ay Calpfccl Lfiv od'ita.-C11L pruot'll-Ly %ri.111tivis "Lli U1111. jadj�L-31111unt. The <br />Ix.; I ill <br />kkr, 1.1, el t U IV * t I I <br />vi;11,11i'llice i.9 rV(jtLCStCd tU CL1101V COYIS-bructi,0111 of LIA <br />i t ]'to v t L I I 1 .1 v U 'I L 1(16 1 A, Lj, U., <br />Upproxilaotely elfmN, of Lhu, property l,itie. <br />4 <br />