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hundred thousand dollars, ($1 WtOOOl) coverage for one person and two hundred <br />A <br />thousand dollars ($200,000.00) clov,erag,e for moire than, one pierlson and providing <br />W <br />for ten thousand dollar coveralge f or property damage and com plying <br />w ith the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 3140100, rielating to liability <br />,I <br />insurance policies. <br />p 0 <br />(3) Approval of Insurance. Liability insurance policies, shall be approved <br />as to form by the City Attorney'. Operation, of a, licensed business without having <br />e- W <br />on, file with thile City at all times an insurance policy as required in Subdivision 2 <br />is a cause for revocation of the l,i,c,einse,, All insurance policies shall state that <br />the City will be given ten days notice, in writing,, ofcancellation. <br />01 <br />151 *040, License Fees,111, <br />a <br />(1) The annual license f ele f or an "on-sialell intoxicating liquor license is <br />seven, thousand dollars ($7,1000.00). The annual license fee for a wine license is <br />one thousand five hundred dollars 0,00). The ainnual license fee for a <br />,Sunday "on-sale"? license is two hundred dollars ($200.010). The, annual license fee <br />for a special, club, license is dependent upon the,, number of m�embers in the club, <br />,as follows:1 <br />Number of Club, Members F 1 e, 4-,' <br />The annual fee f or are off -sale license is <br />(3) The fee for "on-sale" and "on-sale wine" licenses granted after the <br />commencement of' the license year shall play in full an investigating fee. The <br />300*010 <br />201 - 500 <br />500sOO <br />501 - 1,0100, <br />650..00 <br />1,90,01 - 2jO1001 <br />800000 <br />211,001 - 42000 <br />1 11000,0010 <br />4,0101 - 6,01001 <br />21000sOO <br />More than 6,0100 <br />319,000*00 <br />The annual fee f or are off -sale license is <br />(3) The fee for "on-sale" and "on-sale wine" licenses granted after the <br />commencement of' the license year shall play in full an investigating fee. The <br />