I I JAY Council -,June 11
<br />Regular Meeting of the C'* p 1984-w 746.30 PoMo
<br />Vie City, Council met on the above date with the following
<br />members present,: Curl ' Franke,, ehr, Johnson, and Demos.,
<br />Members absent: None .
<br />A,- I Kehr Moved,, Fri,ankle Seconded,, that the minutes of' the regular MINUTES
<br />meleiti,ng of May 21, 1,984., be approved, Roill, call, Ayesv Cu
<br />Franke is V rley,,
<br />,,, Kehr, JohnsoT4 and Demos,, NaysQ N'oine,
<br />I
<br />B-1 Johnson Moved, Curley Seconded.1 that William Jones' request JOKES, WILLIAM
<br />0
<br />for riezoning from, R-1 to R,-2 and spieci,al use permit for
<br />PUD at 25511, Lexingtion be referred back to the July meeting
<br />of the Planning Commission.1 Roll call,, Ayes: Curley,
<br />1,
<br />Franke,, Kuhr, Johnson,, and D�em,os. Nays 6 - None.
<br />B-2 Curley Moved., Johnson Seconded, that Shorewood Corporation's ii i1
<br />requelst for amendment, tio the Comprehensive Land Use Plan CORPORATION
<br />from medium density residential, to, high density residential
<br />at 22,31 Rice be approved, Roll Call, Ayes.- Curley, Franke,
<br />K�ehr.,, Johnson,, and Demlos. Nays: None,
<br />3 Keh,r Moved,,, Curley Seconded,, 0 that Saga Ente,rpr ises., Inc. Is SAGA ENTERPRISES,
<br />request for special use Permit for site plan approval, INC*
<br />division, of lot, and variance to allow constructlon of
<br />a drive contiguous to the south, side properity'line at
<br />27'60 Snelling Frontage Road East,, be approved with the
<br />following cond, iti ions :
<br />