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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: 02/28/2011 <br />Item No. 12. e <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br />Item Description: Award Bid for Janitorial Services for City Facilities <br />11 BACKGROUND: <br />2 The City of Roseville contract for janitorial services expires this month. City staff requested <br />3 proposals using the Best Value process for a three-year janitorial services contract. Proposals <br />4, were required to include in this bid any possible increases for the three-year period. We received <br />5 seven proposals for these services. The City has contracted with ISS for the past two years for <br />6 janitorial services. This contract covers the cleaning of City Hall including the Police <br />"7 Department, the License Center, Fire Station I public areas, and routine cleaning at the Skatincv <br />8 Center and Nature Center. <br />9 We have compared the cost of contracting these services to providing these services with city <br />110 staff. The cost is very similar from a salary and benefit cost if provided by fulltime employees. <br />11 The benefit to contracting is the coverage provided by these firms for absences due to sickness <br />12 and vacations and the shedding of risk for workers compensation and other staff related risk. <br />13 Discussion o f Bi d s: <br />14, Seven firms submitted proposals and the results are included in the table below. <br />Group <br />Submittal Amount <br />Best Value Score <br />Building <br />$2609313 <br />85.8 <br />_Linn <br />TSE <br />$2881519 <br />84.8 <br />ISS <br />$2871159 <br />84.4 <br />Coverall Cleaning Concepts <br />$2471971 <br />82.8 <br />Sense <br />1,986 <br />69.6 <br />-Common <br />All Source <br />$2441347 <br />78.6 <br />Jan Pro <br />$2991457 <br />59.4 <br />