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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: February 28, 2011 <br />Item No.: 12 . f <br />'a <br />Department Approval- ACity Ian r Approval <br />Item Description: Resolution Supporting Local Option Sales Tax <br />=1L 11 <br />2 At the January 24, 2011 City Council meeting, Roseville's legislative delegation suggested that <br />3 it may be a good time for Roseville to ask the Legislature for the authority to seek approval of a <br />4, local option sales tax for capital investments through a voter referendum. <br />5 Like most cities, Roseville has substantial capital investment needs. This is due, in part, to, the <br />6 economic downturn, minimal capital investment over the years, and the age of our City's <br />"7 infrastructure. The City is facing two particular needs — investment in a new fire station and <br />8 investment in the parks system. <br />9 The City currently has three fire stations, each in substantial disrepair. A Fire Department <br />110 Building Facilities Needs Committee has evaluated the City's fire station needs and estimate that <br />11 it would cost about $,7.2 million to build a new fire station. <br />12 A Parks and Recreation Community Advisory Team conducted a community-wide assessment of <br />13 the City's parks and recreation. The planning committee engaged thousands of residents in <br />14, conversations and identified the wants and needs of the community. They estimate that it will <br />15 cost about $,89 million to meet those needs. <br />116 Roseville currently has a 7.125% sales tax. A half-cent sales tax increase would generate <br />1 7 approximately $,6.4 million year. The City would have to collect the tax for approximately 15 <br />11 111",,'1�111 years to raise the $,96.2 million. <br />119 State Statute §297A.99 states "1before the governing body of a political subdivision requests <br />20 legislative approval of a special law for a local sales tax that is administered under this section, it <br />2 1 shall adopt a resolution indicating its approval of the tax. The resolution must include, at a <br />22 minimum, information on the proposed tax rate, how the revenues will be used, the total revenue <br />23 that will be raised before the tax expires, and the estimated length of time that the tax will be in <br />24, effect <br />25 POLICY OBJECTIVE <br />26 To effectively fund the needs of the community. <br />� I WMI TOG UI 0 Eff W., XW_ <br />28 Depending upon timing of referendum - election costs associated with an odd year election. The <br />29 two schools districts in Roseville will hold elections in November, so if the City conducted the <br />3o referendum in conjunction with the school district elections, the City's share of the costs would <br />3 i be minimal. <br />Page I of 2 <br />