Laserfiche WebLink
L <br />IOJP Me FM im M <br />I am simply a,sking for estimates., but estimates that are based on real Information. I do not', expect <br />i <br />cmployees to, use time cards, or managers to suppily weekly sheets of time spent on individual tasks. I &t <br />believe, however, that every manager, and department head should have a fal I rly aciicurate idea of what <br />L_ <br />tasks are assigned to his or her employee, on a�n a�nnual basis, That indlividual should have a good idea of <br />-the breakdown ofhls or her time spent on each annual activityi. <br />I am interested in having documentation appropriate for zero,-biased budgeting. I believe this is what is <br />specified under state, statute and what, 1 belleve i's necessary to begin to, eimbark, oin a path of fiscal <br />responsibility, accoun ta bill ity, and sustainability. Such documentation would 'include, but not be limited <br />too <br />0 <br />I <br />All positions,, with percent time, and salary or hourly, wage, <br />The names, should be redacted, but, each position should be listed individually <br />All program information for each program in each department including: <br />a' time allocated <br />Revenues generated <br />Expenses *incurred, <br />(I would be willing, to, exempt the License, Center as it appears to, be self-supporting. if this can be <br />demonstrated to, be true ofiour, /Toutreach, t would exempt that os well'.) To the best ofmly knowledge, <br />the only other pirogirolm, offering shored servicesi i's Public, Works with services prolvided to Falcon Heights <br />and Arden H'ills. I would like to see the information from those pirograims to understand our billing, rate, <br />sta,yj time, and total benefit to Roseville. <br />